Many parents say that they have experienced a lot or issues and hurdles in coming up in life because of their weak economic condition and often they say this as a reason and end up trying utilizing the maximum time and effort possible to earn a good economic stability so that they could provide their children all the possible facilities etc., which they haven’t had in their childhood hence they make themselves get too busy in the rat race.
But often not realizing that the time they are spending in buying the luxuries for the children is exhausting the time that they spend with their children. It is not just the parents, now with they entry of the new toys and things, the child would keep him/ herself be occupied and may not feel it much that they are missing their parents. we all know that the childhood is the most vital phase in a persons life and these innocent children would have a less parental support at this phase because of their business.
Parents now-a-days, buy a lot a toys and games for their children. But before buying, they check for the cautions and the age limit written on the carton. It is good being cautious and at this point, they are being cautious but they forget that they are making the child become much more sensitive towards the external environment. Though prevention is better that cure, prevention should not be to an extent that child avoids it. For example, a one year kid, in olden days used to get a crawler that he/she could hold it and gain support in walking. Now, the parents are afraid that the child would fall using the crawler and get hurt so they buy small/automated cars so that the child can be more comfortable and move from places.
Change and advancement is good but only to a certain extent.The mental growth of the new age children is very fast. This is good so is the risk of them getting into bad habits or addictions is…If we could recall once, our older generations had more children in the family any the money used to not so much as now. Yet the parents tried to keep their children happy. Parents used to get one fruit for their four children and distribute it to four of them equally. That time sharing was caring. But now, as there is only one child in the family, the question of sharing has become invisible.
Those days the word we was used predominantly and now a days it changed to me. Are we implanting the seeds of selfishness in our children? Even if there are two children in a family, there are things that are separate for each of them they have their individual rooms, individual toys etc. hence their willingness to share has reduces in fact, minimized very evidently.
Think about it and you will understand the mistake is in us, not to blame the innocent kids that they were sleeping when you came back home from work and all tired.