Friday, October 1, 2010


  The dictionary definition for this word,.... hobby is  an auxiliary activity.. cool it means something which is an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main when friends often ask me, what my hobby is.. simple my hobby is THINKING, DREAMING AND DOING ;)..  my hobby has no definition nor a particular name because my hobby is to do whatever i want to do at that moment.....:)
              I like to play with small kids n to scare them, i like to listen to music and READ the music ( i don't sing the songs as i don't have much patience) i like travelling and exploring but don't like walking. i like to play with doggies but i cant tolerate street dogs.i like to ride the bike fast but not like to sit behind.....:)

               I like the peaceful surroundings and stay in tranquility and i often feel peace is boring and i love loud music..i like to talk but i prefer listening...i don't like the color pink but often pick up things in pink.i like to question and i prefer answering the queries..i am confused but i hate confusion..:) i like simple things and i prefer complications...... :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Life is something which looks very simple but very complicated..some people call it a journey and i call it a tale.some say life depends on the destiny or fate.... but i say life is just the way u live it.u vl be and achieve wat u believe in the most..:) 

Sometimes i wonder n laugh out load when people find it so hard to times we learn from people around us and adapt their things and at the end of the day, we do not realize when we are busy following someone, there would be none who follow us..and anyways cribbing about things is just a waste of time..though movies, books and everyone says ''KAL HO NA HO" we too just say this but hardly believe in it. we dream about tomorrow and strive to fulfill our goals blah blah blah..

We exhaust soo much time for our goals but often, do not realize that we have lost n forgot many things in the process...:)

Do the right thing at the right time because right time is nothing but the time spent on the right deed so dont wait for tomorrow or another day in life.. :)

Life is tooo short live it and enjoy it :)