WOAH ....!!!!!
This would have been the first expression on many people faces as they saw the title "world"
i know that for a matter of fact that we cant talk much about the world as it would have no end for the topic.
for me world is really complicated. we strive for peace and harmony and we revolt for them vch means we are breaking the peace. the world is made of people ( i know u guys aint kids to not know the dictionary meaning of this in a blog) vast is the word for the variety of people living.....:)
Sometimes i wonder oxford and thesaurus would have fallen short of adjectives to describe people in the world. all the religions and their preachings r just to say us how to lead a peaceful and good life (though everyone interprets them in their own sweet ways) . but the current scenario of world is entirely different from what it was.....
Almost all the youngsters have this popular notion in their mouth " i want to show the world that i.." .( no comments on this) now a days we hardly use the word "we" most of the time its about i, me and myself. some say " i dont care what the world think" we can say this only when we stop thinking as our thinking often revolves on the world around us. also remember we die when we stop thinking so better no say " i dont care what the world think's"when u know u actually r thinking about the world.
Remember we come alone and go alone but most important thing is, to give our life a proper meaning for our existance on the world. only the dominant things (good or bad) we have done in life we be remembered. you life would me meaningful only if you are deeply missed
live n let live .......:)